General Information
Finding a Postgraduate Taught or Research Degree
- Search - UCAS (Search using filters for postgraduate linguistics degrees for 2022-3)
- FindAMasters Degree Worldwide - Postgraduate MSc MA MBA MPhil MRes MBA & LLM Courses
- PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe (
Find PhDs | PhD Programs | Scholarships -
- - Search (Languages, literature & culture studentships)
- The LINGUIST List (Newsletter/forum that often contains adverts for PhD studentships across the world)
Funding for Postgraduate Degrees
- Master's Loan - GOV.UK (
- Doctoral Loan - GOV.UK (
- UKRI – UK Research and Innovation
- Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Training Partnerships
- Home - Techne AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (London, England)
- CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership (Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England AHRC funded Doctoral Training Partnership)
- Midlands4Cities - M4C (Midlands, England)
- Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities - ( (Scotland)
- Home | Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership ( (Open University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge)
- Home - LAHP (London)
- Home - North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership ( (North West England)
- Northern Bridge Consortium | Northern Bridge Consortium | Newcastle University (North East England + Northern Ireland)
- SWW DTP Studentship | South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership : SWW DTP Studentship ( (South & South West England + Wales)
- White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities ( (Yorkshire, England)
- Economic and Social Research Council
- Midlands Graduate School ESRC DTP ( (Midlands, England)
- Home | Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership ( (Brunel University, Open University + University of Oxford)
- Home - NINE DTP (Northern Ireland + North East England)
- ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership for Social Sciences | ( (University of Cambridge)
- ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership | Excellence in postgraduate social science research training ( (Wales)
- ESRC Funded Studentships | Prospective Students | SWDTP (South West England)
- North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership ( (North West England)
- Studentships – White Rose DTP ( (Yorkshire, England)
- ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) ( (London School of Economics)
- LISS-DTP – The London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (London, England)
- Scottish Graduate School of Social Science – Sgoil Cheumnaichean Saidheans Sòisealta na h-Alba ( (Scotland)
- SeNSS Studentships — SeNSS Doctoral Training Partnership ( (South East England)
- Scholarships and funding | British Council (Scholarships, bursaries, and financial support for international students to study in the UK)
- Helping you find UK scholarships | The Scholarship Hub (Search and apply for scholarships, bursaries, and financial support in the UK)
- Master's Bursary for Linguistics or Philology from The Philological Society, annually for £5,500
- Also look at the funding/scholarships page on university websites to see if you are eligible for any other financial support, including ones for disabled students, students from an ethnic minority, women, students from low participation neighbourhoods, first generation students, etc.
Teacher Training
- UCAS Teacher Training - How To Become A Teacher In The UK
- Apply for teacher training - GOV.UK ( (England)
- Choose a new career path in teaching | Teach In Scotland (Scotland)
- Teacher | Educators wales (Wales)
- Initial teacher education courses in Northern Ireland | Department of Education ( (Northern Ireland)
- Inspire the next generation | Get Into Teaching (
- Funding your training | Get Into Teaching (
Current Opportunities
PhD Psycholinguistics
Centre for Linguistics (CLIN) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
More information
Archived Opportunities
PhD Scholarship in Digital Media Studies – Chinese Social Media Platforms, Industry, and Policy
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
More information- Start September 2021
- Funded in line with Research Living Allowance in Australia
PhD student in Media and Communication Studies
Uppsala University, Sweden
More information- Start September 2021
- Fully funded
PhD Fellow in Multilingualism
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
More information- Funded + eligible for state pension
PhD Gender and sexual politics from trans-national perspectives
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Early emotions and concepts about nature arising from play in outdoor settings
University of Dundee, Scotland
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Communication mechanisms in British Sign Language (BSL)
University of Dundee, Scotland
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Morphological marking of topic-comment relations in East Asian languages
University of Manchester, England
More information- Self-funded only
- Intakes are usually October and March annually
PhD The acquisition of complex sentences in children
University of Dundee, Scotland
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Natural Language Processing Application to Multiple Problem Domains
University of Sunderland, England
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Bilingual Language Processing: Investigating the similarities and differences between native and non-native sentence comprehension
University of Reading, England
More information- Self-funded only
PhD A comparative study of lexical innovation in English and German
University of Reading, England
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Language policies and migration in Europe: a comparative approach
University of Reading, England
More information- Self-funded only
PhD Translating Latin America in the Twenty-First Century
University of Reading, England
More information- Self-funded only