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Journal of the Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain

Welcome to the homepage for the Journal of the Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain. We commonly go by the acronym JoULAB - how to pronounce it is up to you!

Our mission at JoULAB is to provide a forum for the publication of academic research into linguistics completed by undergraduates - any undergraduate from any country, any university, and any subject can submit (just so long as the submission is in linguistics!).

There is no other platform in the world like JoULAB; many journals take submissions concerning linguistics, and at least as many accept manuscripts authored by undergraduates, but no publication exists solely to publish undergraduate linguistic research in any field or subfield of linguistics and the language sciences.

Being the only one of its kind in the world, the Journal proudly represents the interests of aspiring linguists from across the globe.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram! We're always posting lots of exciting content, so keep an eye out...!
Twitter: @ULAB_Journal
Instagram: @ULAB_Journal
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ISSN: 2754-0820